Service Mapping

What is the relationship between infrastructure and applications? Having a CMDB with discovery is a good start and the next natural step is not far away. Service Mapping gives you the ability to start mapping the application layer of your complex IT environment and relate it to infra.

For example, which system and what users are impacted by a particular change, incident or alert? Being able to perform proper service monitoring, calculate availability, impact analysis and communication to end-users are crucial.

Unexpected downtime and service outages tend to derive from missing this link. A lack of business context due to a disconnect between IT resources and how they map to and support business services. This is the challenge that Service Mapping intends to resolve for you.
Services Einar and Partners - ServiceNow ITOM - Service Mapping and Topologies

Knowing what's important

Business impact

Which users are impacted in what systems when doing upgrades?
Supported patterns/technologies
0 +
Avrg. outage reduction
0 %
Reduction in manual mapping
0 %

ServiceNow Service Mapping

Service Mapping in ServiceNow uses a top-down discovery approach for automatically mapping and discovering business services.

When outages happen, IT struggles to understand how failures impacts the business, determining whether a single service or multiple services are affected, if the issue is in an on-premises service or in the cloud, and what changes may have been made before the problem occurred.

Supported technologies

With over 1000 available patterns ServiceNow can map almost any application stack which is on-prem or self-hosted. Including storage- and network paths.

Tag based

Build maps based on tags without the need for credentials or firewall access. Tags is a fast and reliable way of having up-to-date service topologies.

Cloud & DevOps

Service Mapping natively supports mapping of applications built on containers, microservices and cloud resources. Ready for the DevOps era.

Pillars for successful Service Mapping

Service Mapping requires the right approach and strategy from the get-go. Knowing where to spend the time, effort and focus is important to generate ROI and excitement within the organization.

Service Mapping Methods

Are you going to use tag-based, traffic/ML-based or pattern based Discovery to map out topologies? Each approach has upsides and benefits. Knowing when to choose what methodology is critical to generate ROI.

Service Owners Onboarding

Onboarding Service and Application Owners early to create a sense of responsibility and accountability for correct service maps is not always an easy job. Generating buy-in, teaching the Service Mapping product and making it user-friendly is key to successful Service Mapping.

Governance & Roles

Who will support Service Mapping and who will maintain it? What are the rulesets an organization impose and how is Service Mapping interfacing with other processes? These are just some of the aspects which is critical to lock-down in a comprehensive governance model.

Planning the project

Planning a service mapping project is an artform. To succeed with Service Mapping one has to design the project with intention, gradual expansion and organizational alignment. Too many Service Mapping projects becomes to big too fast, and as a result, fails. Plan the project right at the get-go instead.

Map services at scale with
Einar & Partners

Pilot and service qualification. Service Mapping frameworks. Governance and deep technical knowledge. We love Service Mapping.