Event Management

The nature of monitoring is developing and changing. What we monitor is no longer only traditional servers and metrics, but so much more. Stateless architectures, logs, events and sensor data today come together to generate thousands of events per minute.

With data sources multiplying by every year the monitoring landscape have quickly become complex. The data volume, variety and speed of ingestion creates a noise impossible to keep up with for human beings. As such monitoring today requires a state of observing.

Observing means analyzing, collecting and keeping track of applications states and their output. Together with traditional monitoring this gives a more holistic picture of the health in complex IT environments. Algorithms and machine learning assists with making sense of the data and detect anomalies based on history.

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Event Management Overview

Event Management in ServiceNow comes packed with functionality, monitoring agents and pre-made connectors.

Pre-made monitoring connectors
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ServiceNow Event Management

Event Management in ServiceNow is the manager of managers. ServiceNow is not a monitoring tool in itself but is used to ingest data from existing tools.

Pre-made connectors exist for most modern monitoring solutions and platform provides multiple interfaces for setting up custom integrations.

With Event Management you can correlate monitoring data to incidents, changes, past fixes, application impact and much more. It helps automate analysis of symptoms and applies machine learning to correlate, suggest and connect the dots.

Monitoring sources

Receive event data from hypothetically any source. APM Tools, Cloud, Prometheus, Nagios and much more. ServiceNow comes with over 50 pre-made connectors.

Machine Learning

ML helps to correlate alerts, identification of root cause and remediation. Using ML directly translates into customer satis-faction and increased revenue.


Learn what worked from the past. Trigger automatic workflows and self-healing processes. Roll-back or integrate with DevOps processes. It’s your choice!

Pillars for successful Event Management

Event Management has the potential to significantly innovate and change operating models at SRE and monitoring teams if done right. A solid event management implementation takes into account automation, correlations and groupings in a way which is easy to maintain.

Groupings & Correlations

How are alerts being grouped and correlated? How well suited is the CMDB quality or do we instead need to rely on tags? Finding a language and framework for how to adapt the CMDB to make full use of Event Management is not easy.

Defining usage & lifecycles

Who will look at the alerts, dashboards and events? Will it be a model of active housekeeping and administration within the ServiceNow system or will the lifecycle of closing alerts take place else? Define the target picture early.

Thresholds and data

Defining where to put the thresholds and data is key. Many organizations struggle with making clear boundaries and rules of where certain thresholds should be defined. In the source systems, within ServiceNow – or a combination of all three of them.


Creating automatic incidents is the easy part. Avoiding to flood the systems with too many incidents is more tricky. Deciding where to put automation within Event Management is an artform and if not carefully executed may lead to alert fatigue and too much noise.

Event Management

In-depth guidebook

The most content-rich, strategic and unique Event Management Guidebook for the ServiceNow platform. By Einar & Partners.

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